Parishioner Registration
Welcome! We are delighted that you have decided to join our community. To help us get to know you better, we kindly ask all new parishioners to complete our Parishioner Registration Form. You can do this easily online by clicking the button below, or by filling out the registration form available at the entrance of The Church of St. Hilary. Providing your information allows us to get to know your family, let you choose your financial support options, inform you about ways to get involved, and keep you updated with important information. Thank you for joining our parish family!
Please download the registration form to your computer before completing it. Once filled out, you can either submit it electronically or print and return it in the collection basket or the Parish Office.
Are you a current St. Padre Pio Parish parishioner?
If you have recently moved or changed your email address or telephone number, please take a moment to update your registration information. You can use the registration form above or pick one up at the entrance of our church. Thank you for helping us keep our records up to date!
If you have recently moved or changed your email address or telephone number, please take a moment to update your registration information. You can use the registration form above or pick one up at the entrance of our church. Thank you for helping us keep our records up to date!
Your privacy and the security of your personal information is important to us. Your information will only be used for parish purposes and never shared with other businesses or organizations.
You may opt out of parish communications at any time. Paper registration forms may be mailed to the Rectory Office or given to a Priest, Deacon or Staff Member in confidence.
You may opt out of parish communications at any time. Paper registration forms may be mailed to the Rectory Office or given to a Priest, Deacon or Staff Member in confidence.