The Liturgy, or the Mass, is the summit of the Catholic experience, where we are nourished and strengthened by the Eucharist, as well as the Word of God, and then sent forth to further the kingdom of God here on earth as missionary disciples. St. Padre Pio is committed to hosting liturgies that welcome, inspire, and challenge all who come together to praise and worship our Lord for Mass. The liturgy should make a difference in us, and in turn, the world.
The Church needs you. Our liturgies depend on your participation, service and spirit. We would be delighted—honored, even—if you would share your gifts with St. Padre Pio as a liturgical minister. More information, and how to get involved, can be found under each Liturgical Ministry opportunity listed below. Liturgical Ministries
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are a committed group that welcome the opportunity to participate in the Mass by serving the Eucharist to fellow parishioners. Confirmed parishioners age 18 and up are eligible to become Eucharistic Ministers. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister here at St. Padre Pio, please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474. Lectors
Lectors proclaim the Word of God each week at all Masses. Becoming a Lector is a great way to become more familiar with Scripture and how to proclaim it publicly. Lectors should be of high school age or older. Occasional training and workshops are held to help form our ministers. If you are interested in becoming a Lector here at St. Padre Pio, please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474. Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist our clergy with several important tasks including carrying the Processional Cross and Candles in the Entrance Procession, presenting the Mass Book for the priest, ringing the Elevation Bells, accepting the Offertory Gifts, and assisting with the preparation for Communion. Girls and boys, grades 4 through 8, are eligible to be Altar Servers. Enrollment in the parish school is NOT a requirement – all are welcome. If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server here at St. Padre Pio, please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474. Music Ministry
If you sing or play an instrument, there is room for you to share your talent at St. Padre Pio! For more information on our Music Ministry opportunities, please visit our Music Ministry page. Ushers
Ushers welcome the faithful before Weekend and Holy Day Masses, take up Offertory and Special Collections, and usher the Communion Procession. If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474 for more information. Ministers of Care
Ministers of Care are ordinary people called to minister to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Parishioners are commissioned by St. Padre Pio to bring the compassion, prayer and communion of the parish, and the church, to the sick and homebound. These ministers are commissioned to bear witness to the suffering of parishioners and of Christ. This is a ministry of presence: the presence of the minister of care, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If you are interested in serving as a Minister of Care—or if you or someone you know would benefit from a Minister of Care visit—please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474. Hospitality
Volunteers of the Hospitality Committee serve at various events throughout the year. Snacks and beverages are offered at our monthly "Name Tag Sundays", Christmas Day, and other special Masses and events. If you are interested in serving as a member of the Hospitality Committee at St. Padre Pio, please contact the Parish Office at (773) 561-3474. |